Announcing LiuGong to the world begins with the brand.





Brand Standards


Environmental Design


To make the leap from existing European and Asian markets into the North American Market, LiuGong needed to revitalize and create strong standards for its brand in preparation for establishing a strong global presence. The brand was repositioned , new standards were developed and applied to a brand relaunch at ConExpo that included extensive on- and off-site promotion.

Comprehensive graphics standards addressed the brand, positioning, advertising and communication— even reaching to signage and dealer showrooms.

With the creative team at Clear Blue

Brand Standards

Posters and Banners

Travelers to ConExpo were introduced to key brand messages and visuals as they arrived at the Las Vegas airport and the show grounds. The smallest of these super graphics, 5′ x 8′.



The booth at ConExpo focused on LiuGong’s full line of heavy equipment, but stayed away from all work and no play, as graphics for a March Madness shooting contest and on the cafeteria wall demonstrate.

Print and Advertising

Following ConExpo, dealers were prepared with fully branded print materials and advertising.